Back Content and Attachment Filtering
Unwanted and malicious content — whether within the text of an email or as an attachment — represents one of the greatest dangers email passes to business.
Unfortunately, unscrupulous individuals use email to distribute inappropriate content such as racially insensitive material, offensive jokes and company-sensitive information. This problem has become so widespread that at least 50% of employees have received varying types of inappropriate email while at work, according to USA Today.
Attachments can be even more threatening. Pornographic image and video files, Trojan horses and other unwanted attachments can reduce productivity and expose organizations to legal liability. Additionally, large attachments can devour bandwidth and significantly delay email traffic.
Protect your business. Our service reduces liability and risk by automatically identifying, quarantining and blocking unwanted and malicious content and attachments before they enter your network. This is accomplished through the Email Defense Portal. The Email Defense Portal is your centralized policy configuration and reporting platform. Here, businesses can implement and enforce corporate email policy and view email traffic.
With Oznet , emails are automatically filtered. Any messages that contain inappropriate content or attachments are quarantined before they enter your inbox. You can use the pre-defined content filtering rules or configure your own. There are no limits to the number of filters you can create.
Content can be filtered by keywords or phrases. Attachments can be filtered by type and size. Custom attachment types can also be added.