Back Virus and Worm Scanning
Each day new viruses and worms are unleashed on the Internet and the impact of individual threats is exploding. At the height of their outbreaks, one in seven emails contained the SoBig.F virus, one in 30 emails contained the SirCam virus and one in 24 emails contained the Love Bug virus.
The latest sophisticated, blended threats spread infected files, often without the knowledge of the victimized user. Instead, they automatically leverage a combination of email, network shares, chat programs and peer-to-peer file-sharing networks to move quickly through the Internet.
The best email defense is one that stays one step ahead of the next attack. Email is scanned for viruses before it enters the network using anti-virus technology from SophosŪ. Virus updates are proactively performed every five minutes greatly reducing the risk of an outbreak or infection.